Demystifying Facebook Business Manager

Okay, so before we get going, I want to be transparent and make it clear I'm not an affiliate for this product. I know Lorraine and have worked with her before and I know my audience of small business owners and marketers are really going to benefit from this product so I felt like I need to spread the word about it. 

When it comes to Facebook, using the Business Manager is crucial if you're going to create Facebook ads to effectively and efficiently promote your business. On top of running ads, the Business Manager helps organise and manage your business from page posting to managing customer service enquiries. There's no avoiding it really, as all things suggest that Facebook is going to move towards every business having to use Business Manager (which means you won't be able to boost posts in the same way).

Meet Lorraine

But unless you're a Business Manager expert or have spent a LOT of time with it, it has a steep learning curve that can have you really pulling your hair out. Thankfully my friend Lorraine, has created something that could be the answer to your prayers. 

I know Lorraine because I used to only offer Facebook Ads as a service. It was a niche I enjoyed but was unsustainable for me (that's another blog post for another day). For those in the know in Facebook Ad circles, Lorraine has long been the go-to person for professional Facebook ad marketers when it comes to Business Manager issues. 

She knows the system inside-out and has constantly kept abreast of all the little changes that are meant to (and as often with Facebook) those that aren't meant to happen. I literally don't know how she does this as Facebook is a complicated beast and for someone who has had their whole account blocked for no reason for two weeks whilst running five ad accounts ("Sorry for the inconvenience your account was blocked in error" - oh yeah, thanks Facebook) believe me when I say she's someone you need to know.


An Essential Troubleshooting Guide

Now in a bid to stop being asked the same questions all the time, Lorraine has created the Business Manager Guidebook for Small Business Owners which is a comprehensive guide for any small business owner looking to get their Business Manager set up to run their own ads.

"I've answered hundreds if not thousands of questions relating to Business Manager, including solving some very obscure issues. It's not just people finding Business Manager hard but sometimes they just get poor advice, even from Facebook Business Support, so I felt people needed a go-to guide avoiding the pitfalls of getting it wrong and also, ways to fix issues that arise." - Lorraine Doxey

The Business Manager Guide is a comprehensive guide to the Business Manager platform. It has twelve chapters that explains the concept of Business Manager, a step-by-step walkthrough of account creation (including how to figure out if you've already got an account or not) right through to creating Pixels and adding people to your account. It's not just a 'how to' but an essential trouble shooting guide.

If the prospect of twelve chapters puts you off, don't...I doubt it will be a guide you need to sit down and work through all in one go, more likely you'll be dipping in and out of it as you need it, a very worthwhile investment over time.

Any Facebook Marketer worth their salt is probably charging a minimum of £100 per hour for a consultation. This Business Manager guide is hours and hours of guidance distilled into one document. Frankly, the FAQ section is worth the £50 price tag alone. There's also a version for social media managers for which this is worth its weight in gold! You're going to save hours with this guidebook and crucially hours you wouldn't get back from Facebook support (and we all know how helpful they are!).

So take a look today, if you're thinking about running ads, currently boosting and want to take the next step or you've tried setting up Business Manager and it got you in a twist then I highly recommend investing in this guidebook. It's going to save you time and money...what business owner doesn't need that?

Oh and just in case you were in any doubt, Lorraine has kindly said that readers of my blog can get 10% off just enter the code ME10 at checkout (Again, I am not an affiliate for this product and receive no commission, I just think it's fantastic and will really help small business owners).

Do you already use Facebook Business Manager for your business? I’d love to hear what you think about it, are you a fan or do you struggle with it?

Marie Evans

Meet Marie Evans, your go-to expert for all things Squarespace and Shopify. With a knack for turning complex web design into a breeze, Marie is on a mission to demystify the digital space, making top-notch websites accessible to entrepreneurs of all backgrounds.

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